Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Give Them a Chance, Singaporean Men Are Often Under-Rated! Dawn Yang - Singaporean men can cook! Many Singaporean guys I know are pretty decent i

Give Them a Chance, Singaporean Men Are Often Under-Rated!
Dawn Yang -
Singaporean men can cook!

Many Singaporean guys I know are pretty decent in the kitchen and can whip up great meals. Puts me to shame ^_^ What's sexier than a man preparing a loving meal for you?
Singaporean men are decent

Compared to many foreign men I know/met, local men usually have more sound moral values, take their relationships more seriously, and are more family-oriented.

Singaporean men pamper their partners.
They are more inclined to treat their women like princesses. It is not always about materialistic things either - they play less games, will call you everyday, spoil you, make sure you are taken care of etc. Many of my Singaporean exes would do little things for me that showed they care, such as insisting to help me run my errands when I am busy, or surprising me with my favorite food from faraway despite a long drive. Platonic Singaporean guy friends too, usually make sure the ladies get home safe, and treat the fairer sex with a larger dose of chivalry.

That's not to say foreign men can't be sweet too, they certainly exist out there. However a complaint I've heard from many Asian girlfriends residing abroad is that many foreign men are generally more commitment-phobic, more flirtatious, have greater propensity to cheat, play games often, and they desire too much independence and space. After living in New York and observing the dating scene and behavior of men there, I can kind of attest to that fact!

Singaporean men know good food & Singlish!

From a personal perspective, it is nice to share a common cultural background. You can enjoy durians together without fearing a pukefest, talk cock sing song in local colloquial slangs with perfect understanding, exchange stories about common friends in our island's small social circles, empathize when each other is being kiasu.

Majority of Singaporean men may not be as passionate as the Spanish, romantic as the French, as well-dressed as the Japanese, or witty as the Americans, but many have their own down-to-earth charms. Hidden gems are waiting to be discovered :)
As for the worst in Singaporean women......

I reckon many place too much emphasis on the 5Cs (car, condo, credit card, cash, country club) when looking for a partner. Yup, but then again, there are materialistic women sucking blood the world over, not just in Singapore. A lot of local women also seem to be bitchy, gossipy, and backstabbing - probably a result of our small "village" society and the poppy syndrome cultivated from our competitive upbringing.

Another thing that perhaps might matter more to the men is... Singaporean women don't take care of their appearance as much as others? Compared to the more vainpot ladies in countries like Thailand, Japan and Korea, majority don't really bother to dress up, do our hair, put on makeup and look their best possible. That's why when guys talk about beauties, countries like Japan and Taiwan are usually first to come to their minds.

Other than that, I can't profess to think up any other terrible quality of Singaporean women. We are cosmopolitan, intelligent, ambitious, can hold our own, and possess a nice blend of Asian submissiveness and modern career woman sensibilities! :)

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